Datinza offers the turnkey designer of smart query systems in semantic databases. If a client does not have this kind of database, appropriate information and technology will be provided in order to add semantics to any other kind of database.

Proyecto CAU 1.0

Datinza has developed an incidence monitoring software concerning electronic prescriptions in order to provide appropriate support for pharmacies.

The novelty resides in using the results obtained in the INNOVA-A1-064/13 project so as to store different solutions to issues in a knowledge base. Through this knowledge base it is possible to suggest solutions at the same time as the requests are being received, thus reducing response time on the one hand and identifying other more global issues -in terms of localization, type of issue, etc- on the other.

Proyecto INNOVA-A1-064/13

Since its creation, Datinza has persistently pursued optimization of its productivity by innovating and developing our work methods and tools.


Video-presentation of one of the results obtained in the INNOVA-A1-064/13 project. This prototype allows access to a knowledge base through multimodal interaction, including a 3D agent with speech recognition and synthesis.


Example video nº1

Demo video showing a query related to the antibiotic field carried out through speech.


Example video nº 2

Demo video showing a semantic query about diseases and disorders carried out through speech.

Example video nº 3

Demo video showing a search about the pharmaceutical industry.

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