
Our Services

Always tailor-made for our customers


We process and manage all kind of documents, as well as the data extraction, analysis and use.


We are in charge of managing both the e-prescription process and invoicing for 29 pharmaceutical associations.


We design and create software focused on monitoring and managing complex processes

Contact with us

We will attend you without any obligation and together we will analyze the best solution for your case.
Contact us

Other services

Our engineering department is specialized in processing, lighting and energy efficiency control.

Audio-visual Production

Our Audio-visual Production department offers comprehensive services for the creation of audio-visual and multimedia content by applying the latest 3D technology.


Datinza boasts more than 3,000 m2 facilities in order to provide a broad service in temporary documental storage.

Solutions and Systems

Our Solutions and System department offers consultancy services and technological development in fields such as simulation, virtual reality and computer vision.

Lighting and Control

The Lighting and Control department offers engineering services in lighting and automatization in buildings.

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