Electronic Prescription Dispensation

Electronic Prescription Dispensation

Official Pharmaceutical Associations

5.1 Electronic Prescription Dispensation

Datinza carries out comprehensive administration of the electronic prescription dispensation procedure through development of systems adapted to each Association and Regional Health Services’ needs.

This service includes consultancy and monitoring for each phase of the process, from the dispensation at the pharmacy’s office up to the following data exploitation.



  • We offer a safe guarding service which allows 24h access all year round from anywhere with connection.

  • We develop the communication protocols, software and interface necessary for your query.

  • Our Information Security Management System is certified and audited by AENOR, as stated in the ISO 27001 norm for Data Protection. Due to the type of information we handle, we are obliged to subject to biannual audits.

Data Centre

Our Data Centre meets every technical and legal standard mandated in this kind of facility:

  • Restricted and monitored access.

  • Continuous recording of images.

  • Damp and temperature control.

  • Redundant and autonomous power supply.

  • Data connection with redundant fiber.

  • Fire protection in the facilities and extinguishing agent.

  • Intruder surveillance connected to the switchboard.

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